Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Exams over

Wow i realise many people actually came to tag my blog! Thank you guys, i really appreciate it i must say :D And even sherilyn left a comment! :O lol.
so exams are over today. should feel relieved and freed, but yea i do feel relieved and freed. not that much though. cuz i just took 3 exams. and they are really not hard. not promising that i would do well, but certainly hope i would.
so now i am left with nothing to do again 0.0 really could spend the time to do some reading. looking back i havnt actually really read books. i could also spend the time shopping. i have no more clothes in the wardrobe. i could do some exercise, hmmm gotta look for places to play badminton, i am turning rusty T.T i could meet up with some girls, ahhh, that sounds pretty good. or some guys.
or both together. to a movie.

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