This year's gone in a flash. Ridiculously fast.
I would like to take time to thank my parents, my mother in particular, for taking me out of my own life, letting me see what the society is really like.
Would like to thank my dad, for the most memorable mail that will shine enternally in my inbox.
Would like to thank Junkai, for the best 18th birthday present anyone could receive: a sincere text all the way back from Singapore just 13 minutes past 12.
Would like to thank Kachun, for giving more definition to the word friendship by his actions.
Would like to thank Yanwen, for always believing in me, and a true friend anyone can only dream for.
Would like to thank Renbin, for I always know you will be there for me.
And would like to thank Shiyuan, for establishing this platform for me to keep close in touch with her.
Thank you.